Abstract submission

If you would like to submit a late abstract, please contact the organizing committee via info@imars-maastricht.com 

Format Guidelines
Abstract should be submitted within one of the following sections: 

  • Analytics and chemistry
  • Food chemistry and nutrition
  • Plant and other life sciences
  • Health and disease
  • Other

Abstracts should include: 
ABSTRACT (Max. number of characters is 3200, including title and author block).

Title: Clear title including study design.

Authors: Given name(s), initials and family name(s).

Affiliations: Institution(s) of origin.

Introduction: Background, research question and aims.

Materials and methods: Study design, techniques, participants, intervention, and outcome.

Results: General results/characteristics, for the primary outcome results of each group effect size and precision.

Discussion and conclusion: General interpretation of the results and a concise conclusion based on the research question and aims.

Accepted oral and poster abstracts need to be presented in person in Maastricht.